Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Another Great Week!!!

Me and my 3 Comps!!

Well honestly this week has been pretty great! I forgot to mention that we added two assistants to our companionship so there are four of us!  We are training the new guys to take over in a few weeks!  We had another baptism! Finally, we were working hard for this one, the last missionary who just went home died here a little so we had to find new investigators. But one of them got baptized on Saturday!  His name is John.  No not Juan, John. He is a young boy, 10 years old. He was actually born in Las Vegas, he's a countryman! Ha-ha…how cool is that!  We have several families that we are preparing for baptism next month.  It’s going to be great! 

Being Silly!
This week I really want to testify of the power of service, My comp has not been my easiest comp, but I have been remembering a story that my mom told be about her comp that always left hairs in the drain and she decided to serve her and in serving her learned to love her.  I have been trying to serve my comp this week.  I have been making his bed every day, and I have offered to iron his shirt everyday too. I haven’t seen like too many results from the service but I just barely started and I am confident that it will pay off.  He has started to say thank you a lot more and it just feels better. Please keep me in your prayers!  I know that this was a God inspired service project.  I can testify that service is indeed how God wants us to treat his children and by serving his children we become more like Him! 

Here's my letter to president:
Pues esta semana hemos estado trabajando mas en el área. Bautizamos el sábado pasado! Y tendremos mas en las semanas que vienen! 
Hemos tenido que hablar mucho para poder coordinar el trabajo en al área y asegurarnos que todos estamos en la misma página. Pero la verdad nos estamos esforzando por ver milagros and lograr muchos bautismos! 
Me siento muy bien en mi último ciclo presidente, pido solamente sus oraciones a fin de concentrarme mas Presidente, quiero ser fiel hasta el ultimo dia. 
Me siento muy contento. Amo a las misión, a las personas y a mi salvador. 
Les amo y aprecio mucho Presidente! 


President Well this week we have been working more in the area. We baptized last Saturday! And we will have more in the coming weeks! We have had to talk a lot to coordinate the work in the area and make sure that we are all on the same page. But the truth is we are striving to see miracles and achieve many baptisms! I feel very good in my last cycle.  I ask only your prayers in order to concentrate more President.  I want to be faithful until the last day. I feel very happy. I love the mission, the people and my Savior.
I love you and I appreciate you President!  Love Elder Galbraith

I love you all tons!  
I know that the church is true, and that Christ lives! 
Keep up the good work! You guys are my heroes!!! 
Elder Galbraith 

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